Patricija Gilyte: EQUINOX K-7392

Beschreibung / Description:

EQUINOX K-7392. Stop-Motion Animation using 7392 candles HD Video, 2019 Artistic collaboration with Lithuanian composer and sound artist, Donatas Bielkauskas-Donis.

EQUINOX K-7392  by Patricia Gilytė (Kaunas born Lithuanian artist living and working in Germany) consists of a stop motion animation using candles, created in Klaipėda in 2019. The images born in the seaport’s hangars are based on the movement of light streams in the city, reflections on the water surface and implied cosmic trajectories, which the artist compares to the daily activities of people. “Equinox” is like a symphony of the abundance of an industrial port, revealing that every person, every movement is a part of a common being, because we create the image of the world in its environment constantly and every moment belongs to those who see and hear it. The artist depicts Klaipėda as a port and reservoir of the universe, into which all the rivers flow, from where spaceships launch, and stars fall.

The “Equinox K-7392” was created for the autumnal equinox, a moment when the day equals the night at any point on Earth. The letter “K” indicates the geographical point on during the equinox – Klaipėda, and the number “7392” indicates the number of candles and the amount of light.

The sound was created by Lithuanian composer and sound artist, Donatas Bielkauskas-Donis as a artistic collaboration.

“Drawing on the universal concepts of the body, space, and time— as well as their limitations— Gilytė’s transformation of minimal and lo-tech processes ignite infinite connections inviting us to revisit memory and experience. (…) Sound becomes vision and light sound – vibration. Reveling in the physiological experience, our mind waffles and bends from a cosmic phenomenon to an aerial view of what could be a sprawling metropolis or a candlelight vigil.

This celebration of light takes on new meaning as heat, pixels, or dots on our screen, emphasizing the individual interpretation of our attempts to navigate this new age of virtual distance. Our mind yearns for answers and comprehension yet we must sacrifice knowledge to fully embrace the moment. The mysticism of the piece conjures images and questions about the individual and the universal; the concrete and the ephemeral; analog and the digital. We ask ourselves, “what is light?”, connecting us deeper to spiritual concerns and the laws of energy.

These illusive experiences contrast with the fact that Gilytė’s process is a purely analog, mode of stop motion animation using real candles. The orchestration of aerial photography, candles, and time seem to demystify process, while simultaneously leaving us residual memories. The process is choreographed. Lighting each candle, Gilytė’s movements are intentional but limited by her own body and its distance to the tea light. Each candle’s life cycle is a brief four hours, mirroring the duration of the entire process which extends over three to four days. After all the candles have burnt out, the void experienced seems tangible, and strongly impressed by the lingering scent of black soot. The reminders of that energy transfer connect us back to the external, to the space outside of this installation, to the shore, the East River, where through an undercurrent we connect back to the Baltic Sea’s coastline where the installation originated, a conduit of space, time, and perception.”

Text: Daina Mattis /Co-director, Undercurrent, NY

Description (by the artist)

Similar to the previous stop motion animation piece TRI-GALAXIAN L-4116 created 2014 in Linz, Austria, the EQUINOX K-7392 is constructed of horizontal and vertical lines, consisting of candles (tea lights), each of them burning for 4 hours. EQUINOX K-7392 takes its origin in an industial setting (hangar near the Baltic Sea). Illuminated pictorial spaces oscillate between a making-of aesthetic, harbor scenes, and celestial spheres. The storyline depicts a port as a metapher and a place in shifting perspectives. The harbor city is transfered into a weightless space with its elements becoming a galaxy (ships transform into spaceships, the sun becomes an eyeball, then a fish and splits into two plot lines, which can also be seen in parallel in the double projection (Double Sun)). The image creation is likewise space and time creation. The narrative shows a cycle of genesis and demise.

The SEA FOF part functions as a metaphor for breath, connecting visitors back to the Baltic Sea’s coastline where the animation originated, building a conduit of space, time, and perception.

Sound Performance von Donatas Bielkauskas a.k.a Donis, 6.8.2020 at Kaunas Picture Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania (extract)

DE (Auszug aus dem Pressetext / EXOPLANET, Gemälgalerie Kaunas, LT, 2020) “Den Kern von Patricija Gilytes Werk bildet die 2019 in Klaipeda entwickelte Teelichteranimation. Die in den Hangars der Hafenstadt entstandenen Bilder beziehen sich auf die Lichtbahnen innerhalb der Stadt, auf Reflexionen der Wasseroberfläche und erahnte kosmische Trajektorien, die von der Künstlerin mit den tagtäglichen menschlichen Bewegungen innerhalb einer Stadt gleichgesetzt werden. Die Künstlerin betrachtet Klaipeda als einen Hafen des Weltalls, wo alle Flüsse einmünden, von dem Raumschiffe abheben und auf dem Sterne landen. Equinox K-7392 ist der Herbstgleiche gewidmet, einem Augenblick der Tag- und Nacht Gleiche an jedem Punkt der Erde. Das Schriftzeichen K markiert den geografischen Standpunkt im Moment der Herbstgleiche, die Stadt Klaipeda; die Ziffer 7392 gibt die Anzahl der Teelichter und somit auch die Lichtmenge an.

Der Soundtrack wurde von Donatas Bielkauskas-Donis entwickelt und aus Hafenklängen und Arbeitsgeräuschen komponiert.

Wie eine Symphonie des industriellen Hafenrauschens offenbart Equinox, dass jeder Mensch und jede Einzelbewegung zum gemeinsamen Dasein zusammenfließen. Das Weltbild wird ständig in der eigenen Umgebung neu erschaffen und gehört denen, die es sehen und hören können. (…) Die jungsten Entwicklungen verdeutlichen die Erkenntnis, dass all unsere Versuche, sich in den vertrauten Bahnen zu bewegen nun Einschränkungen unterworfen sind oder gänzlich scheitern. Ähnlich verhält es sich auch auf der Ebene der Politik, wo die Einschränkungen ebenso auf die Agenda gerückt sind. Der Brexit, Instabilität von langzeitigen Bündnissen, Grenzschließungen oder das unfreiwillige Eingeschlossensein zwischen den eigenen vier Wänden sind nur einige Beispiele für eine Option der Ab- und Einkapselung im eigenen Territtorium. Gerade zu diesem kritischen Zeitpunkt erscheint es naheliegend, den Blick ins Weltall zu richten, wo alles im Verhältnis stattfindet und Systeme, Orbits und Himmelskörper den unendlichen Raum simultan, jedoch nach eigenen Gesetzen durchqueren und wo unsere Erkentnis an die Grenze kommt.

Der Gedanke an Exoplaneten erheitert und erfreut uns, erinnert an die Momente der erlebten der Freiheit und regt die Fantasie an: Jeden Abend versinken drei Sonnen hinterm Horizont, die Welt ist aus Eis oder Gas, ein Drittel des Planetes besteht aus Diamanten und die Tag- und Nachtdauer beträgt 18 Stunden. Es ist wunderbart zu wissen, dass hinter dem Sonnensystem eine uneingeschränkte Wahlfreiheit herrscht. Jedoch gleichzeitig beunruhingen uns diese autonomen, unserem Sonnensystem nicht angehörenden Himmelskörper (Planeten-Welten) schon auch, denn man kann ja nie wissen, ob sie nicht mal aus ihren Bahnen ausbrechen und statt in Richtung ihrer in Richtung unsere Sonne losziehen.

Covid19 gleicht einem Exoplanet, die das gewohnte Bild der Erde verändert, indem unsere Laufbahnen zum Ruhen gebracht werden. Gleichzeitig handelt es sich um eine neuartige frische Erfahrung, die wir gemeinsam teilen können. So verwandelte sich auch Equinox K-7392 nach einem Jahr zu einem neu zu interpretierendem Werk.”

Biografie / Biography:

Short bio / Patricija Gilyte –

Patricija Gilytė *1972 Kaunas, Lithuania Graduated with a Master of Arts degree from the Vilnius Art Academy / Kaunas Art Institute in 2000, and moved to Germany to continue at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, where she was awarded with her final diploma in 2005.

She had solo shows in institutions like Undercurrent, Brooklyn, NY (SOLO CIRCUIT, 2020); KKKC Exhibition Hall, Klaipeda, LT (EQUINOX, 2019); gallery “Meno parkas”, Kaunas, LT (STILLELEVEN  11 Stills, 2017);  Museum of Schramberg /Castle of Schramberg, Black Forest, DE (ANTE MERIDIEM, 2017); Galeriehaus Nord, Nuremberg, DE (CODE CINEMASCOPE, 2014); das weisse haus, Vienna, Austria  (weissabgleichinventur, 2012) and others. Upcoming solo show: Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum, Vilnius, LT in 2021.

Selected festivals: VideoFormes, Digital Arts / Exhibition, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2021; Perception Of Contemporaneity, Danube Dialogues, City Gallery Novi Sad, Serbia, 2019; LOOP Barcelona, Spain, 2018; Mr. Mov, 1st edition, Bresicia, Italy, 2017; KAUNAS IN ART,  M.Zilinskas Art Gallery, Kaunas, LT (catalogue) 2016; Feminine Futures / video program curated by Adrien Sina, Museum Langmatt, Baden, Switzerland, 2015; Snag, Bahnwärter Haus | Villa Merkel, Esslingen / Neckar, DE, 2015;  International short- and longfilm videodays, G.A.S.- station, Berlin, DE, 2014; Videoholica Video Art Festival, Special Jury Selection, Varna, Bulgaria, 2012; The Human Factor, Virus‘16, Šiauliai art gallery, 2011; Athens Video Art Festival, DanubeVIDEOART selection,  Athens, Greece, 2011; Art Walks, Land/e/scape program, Festival Miden, Kalamata, Greece, 2011; Eattopia, Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong Gah Museum, Taiwan (catalogue), 2010; Videonale 11, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany (catalogue, DVD) 2007; Nightcomers, 10th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey (catalogue) 2007.

Selected awards and grants: Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, DE, 2020/2019; Grant from the Lithuanian Council for Culture 2019; Schlossmediale Werdenberg -Grant, Switzerland, 2018; Project-Grant from the Steiner Foundation, Munich, Germany, 2013; New sides of Salzburg, Austria, 2012; Catalogue support from the District Government of Upper Bavaria and LfA Bank, Munich, 2011; Project-Grant from the Abt-Straubinger Foundation, 2011;  Studio-Grant from the pro arte ulmer kunststiftung, Ulm, DE, two years; European art scholarship of the District Government of Upper Bavaria for Stettin (Szczeczin), Poland, 3 months, 2009; Debutanten catalogue support from the Bavarian Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts, Munich, 2008; Excellence Award, category: Concept, Kaunas Art Biennial Textile05, LT, 2005; HWP-Grant, Women Artist’s Support Programme, from the Bavarian Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts, one year, 2005-2006.

Selected AIR grants / Competitions / commissioned site specific participations:

Inter!m Kulturhandlungem Ehingen/Danube, 2019;  AIR Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria 2014;  SMACH. Constellation of art, culture & history in the Dolomites, San Martin de Tor, Italy 2015; Begehungen n°10, Chemnitz, DE, 2013;

Ostrale‘011 resicencies, Dresden, DE, 2011; 8th international Kaunas Biennial TEXTILE‘ 11 REWIND-PLAY-FORWARD, PLAY contemporary dance program of Kaunas Biennial, 2011

Selected biennials:  23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art, Gabrovo, Bulgaria (catalogue), 2017; Factor X – The Chromosome of Art, 3. Artists Biennial, Haus der Kunst Munich, 2017; Ostrale‘O16, error: X, Center for Contemporary Art, Dresden, DE (catalogue), 2016; 8th international Kaunas Biennial, Kaunas Picture Gallery, LT (catalogue), 2011; Jungtys, 4th biennial of lithuanian textile art, gallery „Arka“, Vilnius, LT, 2010; 5ème Biennale d’Art Contemporain, organized by Le Manif, Nîmes, France, 2006

Patricija Gilytė is represented by Meno Parkas Gallery. Selected Art Fairs: ARTISSIMA Art Fair, Torino, Italy; Art Karlsruhe, 2019 (one artist show); ART VILNIUS’18, Takas/Path, LT; POSITIONS BERLIN (2017, 2016, 2015); MIA&D art fair, Singapore, 2014; art16 London (Olympia, London 2016), art15 London (Olympia Grand Hall, London, 2015), art14 London (Olympia Grand Hall, London 2014).

Selected group exhibitions: Archetypus, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, 2021; SUPERNATURE, Galerie der Künstler, Munich, DE 2021; We Can Be Heroes, SUPERNOVA, KKKC Exhibition Hall, Klaipėda, LT 2020; AND WE OUGHT TO KEEP SILENCE?, Saint Paul, Munich, DE (curated by Dr. Barbara Fischer and Dr. Alexander Heisig (catalogue), 2019; Z Common Ground, Munich, DE, 2019; Q19 –  MEMORABILIA. To Inscribe Into Memory, Gallery Arka, Vilnius, LT, 2019; Territorien, Halle 50, Munich, DE (catalogue); WILD, Schloss Werdenberg, Switzerland (2018); Global control and Censorship, Energy and Technology Museum, Vilnius, LT, curated by Dr. Bernhard Serexhe, 2018; PERSONAL STRUCTURES, Palazzo Mora, Venice (catalogue), 2017; 5×3, Patricija Gilyte | Tina Tonagel | Adriane Wachholz, curated by Neringa Naujokaite, Kunstraum Düsseldorf, DE (catalogue); URBAN TOUCH, Kunsthalle Faust & former Gerhard-Uhlhorn Church, Hanover, DE, 2016); Transformation, European House of Art, Schafhof Freising, DE, 2015; White Noise, Black Words, 2nd CreArt European exhibition, curated by Miguel Amado and João Laia + Rosa Lleó, Vilnius Old City Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania; Meštrović Pavilion, Zagreb, Croatia; Harghita County, Romania, 2014; Sculptural Narration 2006-2013, Kunsthalle WhiteBox, Munich, DE (catalogue), 2013; art-homes, Munich-Istanbul artists’s Exchange, curator Mehmet Dayi, 2010-2011; Wandelbar, Schloss Agathenburg, DE 2009.

Upcoming: >Times in Transition<, Palazzo Ricci, Montepulciano, IT, 2022


Donatas Bielkauskas –

Donis is Lithuanian ambient, neofolk and experimental music project created by multi-instrumentalist from Klaipėda Donatas Bielkauskas. He was also member of electronic music projects Wejdas, Notanga, Ha Lela, Eirimė.

Donis releases :

  • 2007 – Donis “Alexandreia”
  • 2006 – Donis “Bite lingo”
  • 2004 – Donis “Vacuum”
  • 2003 – Donis with Kulgrinda “Sotvaras”
  • 2003 – Donis “Svilpiai”
  • 2003 – Donis “Svilpiai”
  • 2002 – Donis “Baltos Juodos Klajos”
  • 1998 – Donis “Deinaina”

Joint projects:

  • 2008 – d.n.s./Nulis/Echidna aukštyn/Brūzgynai “#24 Perineum Noise Fest 2007”
  • 2006 – gys + d.n.s. “conspiracy of silence”
  • 2004 – gys + V.Manomaitis + d.n.s. “SM”
  • 2003 – Inconnu/Driezhas/Donis “20:00.00000”
  • 2002 – Donis/Driezhas split

Also participated in:

  • 2008 – W „Linie der resistenz“ (Universal Tongue/Portugal (CD))
  • 2007 – Dobile „Giesmės Nalšios žemės“ (CD)
  • 2004 – Wejdas “Zemes alsavimas” (Dangus (CD))
  • 2003 – Kulgrinda “Perkuno giesmes” (Dangus (CD))
  • 2002 – Notanga “Laukti Liko Nebedaug” (Dangus (CDr))
  • 2000 – Wejdas “Wejdas” MC version (Dangus productions)
  • 2000 – Wejdas “Dykra – die welt ohne rahmen” (Bastet recordings, Germany (CDr))
  • 1998 – Wejdas “Wejdas” (Red stream (CD))
  • 1998 – Ha lela “Pabudimas” (Eldethorn records (CD))
  • 1997 – Eirime “Banla” (MC)
  • 1996 – Eirime “Kursjoi” (Dangus Productions (MC))
  • 1995 – Wejdas “Without Sleep” demo95 (Art prod. (MC))
  • 1995 – Wejdas “Dykra” (Dangus Productions (MC))
  • 1995 – Donatas Bielkauskas “Iki zvaigzdziu” (MC) {more}
  • 1994 – Wejdas “Saulei tekant” (Dangus Productions (MC))
  • 1994 – Wejdas “Į tamsa” (MC)

Music of project Donis was specially created or adapted for these performances:

  • 2010 – Klaipeda Puppet Theatre performance “A-PA-PA” (directed by Gintare Radvilaviciute). The music created and folk melodies arranged by D.Bielkauskas.
  • 2010 – documental film about Lithuania „Kelionė per Lietuvą“. Director, operator – Vaidotas Digimas. 75 min. Author of film – David Ellis. Music – Donis. Extracts from the album “Švilpiai” and special music is used in soundtrack.
  • 2009 – Ancient baltic group “Karionys” film “1009” dedicated to the millenium of name of Lithuania. Idea and screenplay by Ancient baltic group “Karionys”. Director, operator and editor Emilis Šimkus. Music – Donis ir Driezhas. Extracts from the albums „Deinaina“, „Švilpiai“ and „Split’as“.
  • 2006 – Klaipeda Business and Technology College Folk theatre „Aitvaras“ spectacle „Kario daina“ by Paulius Sirvis and lithuanian folk stories. Director: Jonas Kavaliauskas. Premiere – 10th of March. Excerpts from „Deinaina“, „Svilpiai“, „Bite lingo“ and some special songs.
  • 2004 – Documental film “Dabar ir musu mirties valanda”. 2004 / Vytautas V. Landsbergis. Excerpt from Donis cd “Svilpiai” is used in soundtrack.
  • 2004 – “Nieko nepraranda vaikai” [Sarunas Bartas, 2004 / Betacam SP / 5 min]. Excerpt from Donis cd “Svilpiai” is used in soundtrack.
  • 2000 – “Sleptuve” (author – Algimantas Mackus), Culture house of Kretinga, director – Nerius Gedminas, premiere – 2000 February.
  • 2000 – “Kapiniu angelas” contemporary allegory (author – Andrejus Maksimovas) in the Faculty of Art at Klaipeda University, educational theater, director – Lina Berziniene, premiere – 2000 spring
  • 1999 – “Meiles katalogas” (“L’aide-Memoire”, author: Jean-Claude Carriere), Kaunas Little Theater, director – Audrius Baniunas, premiere – 1999 winter

More:, Wikipedia,

Aliasse: d.n.s. (2), Donatas Bielkauskas

Gruppen: d.n.s. (2), Eirime, Ha Lela, Notanga, Wejdas

Varianten: Alle werden angezeigt | Donis – D. Bielkauskas, Donatas Bielkauskas, Dónis, Donis (D. Bielkauskas)

Interpreten und Ort / Interprets and Location:

Spending time in Klaipeda (Lithuania) at different times of the year 2019, Patricija Gilyte observed the city as a whole, simultaneously analyzing the different levels of colour, sound, mood and emotion of the city and the more stable elements of architecture and repetitive forms. She transferred her observations into images in a  „stop-motion-animation“ using 7.392 candles. By lighting up or extinguishing individual candles the artist established a visual narrative of the city as a continuously changing constellation.

The soundtrack for „Equinox K-7392“ was specifically created by the Lithuanian composer, performer and sound artist Donatas Bielkauskas a.k.a Donis.

The project was realised at „Vakarų laivų gamykla“ (Western Shipyard Group), Klaipeda, Lithuania. Patricija Gilyte was supported by her technical team: Nerijus Jankauskas (behind the scenes), Pavel Ochrimenko (behind the scenes), Loreta Patašienė (assistant) and Andrius Pelakauskas (photographer). Curator: Ingas Kazakevičius / director KKKC Exhibition Hall.

This work was made possible by the generous support of the Klaipeda Cultural Communication Center KKKC and generously supported by Klaipeda Municipality, the Lithuanian Council for Culture, and Western Shipyard Group in 2019.

Premiere: EQUINOX (solo exhibititon) at KCCC Exhibition Hall (Didžioji Vandens st. 2, Klaipėda, LT),  6.09. – 6.10.2019 Exhibition history includes: EXOPLANET, Kaunas Picture Gallery, 2020; SOLO CIRCUIT, Undercurrent, New York (solo exhibition), 2020; ARCHÉ – Architecture of Universe, Pavilion 0, Giudecca Art District, Venice, 2021 (group exhibition) a.o.

Keywords: video art, stop motion animation, tealight, soundscape, baltic sea, waves, harbor, genesis, atmosphere, installation, narrative, shipyard, shore, coastline, transformation, site specific, blue, water level





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