Hannes Kerschbaumer: pedra.debris | expanded version (2015)

The piece is based on the translation of a working process of a sculptor (after an inspiring meeting with sculptor Aron Demetz): a single object is treated with different chisels to achieve the final sculpture. Here the process of deconstruction is extended to the point where the initial object disappears in a mass of debris.

The composition “pedra.debris | expanded version” was written in january 2015 and was premiered by Ensemble Schallfeld (http://www.schallfeldensemble.com) in Graz (Austria) at impuls – International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music, conductor: Leonhard Garms.

The piece is for 7 musicians: baritonsaxophon, bassclarinet, bassflute, violin, violoncello, doublebass and piano.


I’m an italian/austrian composer (www.hanneskerschbaumer.eu).

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