Patricia Martínez: Vida

Beschreibung / Description:

“Vida” (2020/21) is a binaural visual music immersive work. It was born from a proposal to rethink social events and musical composition, in terms extensive to the environment and nature, up to the impact of human beings on the planet and post-humanism.

“Vida” tries to reflect on the proposed theme, specially related to the extreme fires in Brazil during 2019, from an absolutely spiritual place and particularly with the pure and unconditional love of our relationship with animals.

Music was created by recording and processing digitally natural sounds into a musical discourse. Regarding visuals, as a continuation of the series of installations “Frequencies” by Luis Paris, the soundscapes appear in an abstract climate. The axis of the wave as a horizon: different frequencies, different landscapes. In this visual music, images are modified by sound: silence suggests emptiness and darkness. However, a subsequent silence can also lead to light and nature.

Finally, we believe that our planet, after suffering great exterminations of animals and vegetation due to human intervention, currently, it is our turn to face a global pandemic. Now, like nature in other circumstances, we do not have defense tools other than self-protection and solidarity. We are in a unique moment, an opportunity to try, as mankind, to rethink what we want for our planet and life, for all living beings and ourselves. Hopefully, art and music could contribute to the possibility of bonding from love, respect and understanding with the rest of nature and us.

Biografie / Biography:

Patricia Martinez (AR/ES) is an active composer, interdisciplinary artist and performer. Her creative and research interests are focused on new music composition and interdisciplinary projects, specially contemporary music theatre, new opera, symphonic and chamber works, computer music, improvisation, choreography-composition and video art. She creates music as a multidimensional expression about the “impossible”: that something that magically shows up, but overflows any artistic language to interconnect them organically into a spiritual, immeasurable and poetical new music-staging dimension.

Her works received awards including: Recommendation Award, International Eisenacher Bach Composition Prize 2020 (DE); selected, First International Music Theatre Competition/Staatstheater Darmstadt/Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (2015); Prizewinner, “12 Minutes for Moniuszko”-International Stanisław Moniuszko Composers’ Competition for a Micro-Opera (PL); 2nd Prize, International Composition Competition NEW NOTE 2019 (Cr); 2nd Prize, Musicworks’ 2019 Electronic Music Composition Contest (CA);  2st Prize, American Prize (US) and 2019/2015 Casa de las Américas (CU).

Patricia’s works has been performed at: Donaueschinger Musiktage; ACHT BRÜCKEN; Darmstadt Ferienkurse; Music Current; Experimental Centre of Colón Theater; Mittersill Composers’ Forum; NYEMF; MATA Festival, MISE-EN Music Festival; Festival Synthese; ISCM World Music Days; IRCAM Forum; Polish National Opera; Gewandhaus.

Recent highlights include: Composer-in-residence at Eisler Haus of the City of Leipzig and commissions by Lucerne Festival, SWR Experimental Studio and Colón Theatre.

Patricia is artistic director and founder of Compañía Helada (new opera Company) and professor of composition at UNQ, CSMCBA and UNAM. She holds a Doctoral and a MA degree in Composition (Stanford University) and completed the Annual Course in Computer Music (IRCAM).


Luis Paris was born on October 2, 1982 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Artist and digital animator, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and in Visual Arts at the National University of Arts (UNA), teacher of the degree in Multimedia Arts (UNA). With his animated short films “Tamgù”, “Pasajes” and his documentary “Srta. Hisas” was selected in numerous festivals such as Annecy (France), Animafest Zagreb (Croatia), Centre Pompidou, Eduthèque(France), Animayo (Spain), Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (Korea), Big Cartoon Festival (Rusia), Angelika Short Film Competition (USA), Carton Festival (Argentina), Cortoons Festival di corti di animazione di Roma (Italy), Short film festival in video Salamanca, Badalona (Spain), among others.

Interpreten und Ort / Interprets and Location:

A previous version of this work were presented at the Teatro Nacional Cervantes (Cervantes National Theater) in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the music was commissioned and edited on the album “Alhures” by Grupo de Pesquisa Núcleo Música Nova, Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), (Brasil).



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