Jeanne Artemis: Gesture

Short Description / Kurzbeschreibung

Eine immersive Klanglandschaft, in welcher die Grenzen zwischen physischer Geste und klanglicher Ausdruckskraft verschwimmen. Die zischenden, fast ASMR-artigen Laute verleihen eine intime, dennoch unheimliche Textur. Hände führen das unmittelbare Eingreifen in den Klangraum aus. Eine mystische Atmosphäre, welche die Spannung zwischen akustischen und elektronischen Elementen betont und ein Gefühl des Unbekannten heraufbeschwört.

Interprets And Location / Interpreten und Ort

Jeanne Artemis und Sylvia Hinz. Berlin.

Short Biography / Kurze Biographie

Jeanne Artemis (*1980) is a composer based in Berlin, Germany. The purpose of her work is to create solace and compassion for the invisible suffering of the many and the few. The results are individual aural bodies that seek connection with those who experience darkness. The origins for her musical mind were found by her at an early age in the european modernism, the achievements of cultures outside of europe and the innovative forms of the underground music scenes. Her commitment to pushing the boundaries of her art in various genres has not only garnered acclaim but has also served as a source of inspiration for many others to follow. She has received scholarships from the Goethe Institute, the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Musikfonds e.V., Neustart Kultur and Deutscher Musikrat among others. A portrait was published in the “Neue Zeitschrift für Musik” (issue #2_2021).

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