Dong Zhou: Lost and Dissolved

Short Description / Kurzbeschreibung

Between cooking shows, surrealistic rituals, and cannibal crime scenes, Lost and Dissolved reflects the issues in the real world. It questions: How far can we escape from what we what to break up with? How much percentage of “us” have become part of “them”?

Interprets And Location / Interpreten und Ort

Performance: Yi Sun, Shiwen Wang and Dong Zhou
Music: Dong Zhou
Produced in Santorini(Greece) and Langenhagen (Germany).

Short Biography / Kurze Biographie

Dong Zhou (1992, no pronouns/she) is a composer, multimedia artist and performer based in Hamburg. Zhou gained her B. A. in music engineering in Shanghai Conservatory and M.A. in multimedia composition in Hamburg University of Music and Drama. Zhou won several prizes including the first prize of “Sound of Shanghai” soundscape recording competition, the first prize of 2018 ICMC Hacker-N-Makerthon and the finalist of 2019 Deutscher Musikwettbewerb. Zhou’s work was included in ‘Sound of World’ Microsoft ringtones collection and she was commissioned by Shanghai International Art Festival, Hamburg CLAB Festival and ZKM Karlsruhe. Zhou is currently a doctor candidate in ICAM of Leuphana University, member of Stimme X e. V. Zeitgenössisches Musiktheater Norddeutschland and Deutscher Komponistenverband Hamburg.


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