Christian Dimpker: N. 33 Holistic notation study I

{Granular visions}: Stereophonic video work for jeweller’s loupes, microscreen and headphones

Short Description / Kurzbeschreibung

The video art score N. 33 Holistic notation study I {Granular visions} takes a look into the greatest expanse and the finest microscopy. It fuses images and sounds that elude the lazy eye and ear, constantly escaping them. Visitors view the work through jeweller’s loupes, which – attached to a microscreen – add an extra layer of blurry deception and fuse the screen with the piece. The images and sounds cannot be pinned down because they only take shape in the granular range, usually between 5 and 80 ms, rarely longer. By doing so, the template evolves to a substantially new work, opens up abstract worlds while the flood rattles faster than the brain.

Construction: The piece can be described as an audio-visual installation. All you need for the installation (after producing the video / sound) are jeweller’s loupes, a microscreen (which is also able to play the audio file and, respectively, should have a refresh rate of 200, 400, 600 Hz etc.) and headphones. The loupes are glued to the screen and the video is cropped in a way that it exactly matches their diameter. Please refer to the score for further directions and the explanation.

Interprets And Location / Interpreten und Ort

Christian Dimpker, Berlin 2024.

Short Biography / Kurze Biographie

Christian Dimpker’s compositions explore unconventional fields of notation. This is enabled by an extensive notation system for extended playing techniques / electroacoustic music (Extended notation, Vienna et al. 2013, LIT Publishers). Currently, Dimpker further extends this research to the visual and performing arts (Kinetic notations, Bielefeld et al. 2024, Transcript). Residencies and grants include the Cité des Arts Paris, EMS Stockholm, Asia Culture Center, Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen and funding by the Berlin senate, German government, E.ON foundation, Lotto foundation, German Artist Fund, Musikfonds, GEMA. Performances in Germany, Japan, France, South Korea, Portugal, Australia, Serbia, the USA, England, Sweden and Romania.


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