Cecilia Arditto: Lab

Short Description / Kurzbeschreibung

LAB (2022) – Music lab probs and electronics by Cecilia Arditto Delsoglio mycb1.tv/music/ is a sound installation using laboratory props (water bath, centrifuge, vortexer, magnetic stirrer, and shaker) and electronics. Thus in LAB, laboratory props became musical instruments in dialogue with electronic prerecorded sounds. Colors, rhythms, and textures fuse the fascinating world of science with the world of music. Pipettes, test tubes, and shakers are our new stars disclosing their fascinating sonic and rhythmic possibilities. LAB opens the secluded life of the laboratory in the shape of music, and LAB also reveals the world of contemporary music to the audience, bringing its abstract and refined sphere closer. LAB brings worlds together by navigating science and music, opening new creative paths which present unexpected perspectives.
Video by Eduardo Hernández.

Interprets And Location / Interpreten und Ort

3 June 2022 – 20hs
LAB 111
Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam
Cecilia Arditto – composition, lab props and electronics

Short Biography / Kurze Biographie

Cecilia Arditto (Buenos Aires, 1966) Conservatorio Julián Aguirre; CEAMC, Bs As, and Conservatory of Amsterdam (cum laude);
Recently Cecilia got the following prizes: New Maker Ensemble (London); second prize Birmingham Contemporary Ensemble Competition, first prize Rychenberg Orchestra Competition, Switzerland, first prize Nationaltheater Mannheim to write an opera based on L’ étranger by Camus season 2024. Her project “Musique Concrete” was chosen to represent Holland in the ISCM 2022. She has lectured on her music at the UDK University of Arts Berlin, Sound-Forum Amsterdam, Conservatory of Buenos Aires, Museum of Contemporary Art Mendoza, Le Gesú Theater Montreal, among others. She has been invited as a composer in residence at Charlotte New Music Festival 2021, US. Her music has been object of study by many scholars and researchers. Her music has been performed in Latin America, Asia, US, and Europe.

Since 2002 Cecilia has lived in Amsterdam


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